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Wet Rooms; What design could be more sexy for the bath?
Posted: 08/22/2013
By: Monika Weiss
In June when we hosted the #KBTribeChat on Twitter by asking, Can safety be sexy? The response was a resounding yes... if you know how to sell it. So what better follow-up than a conversation on the sexy, sleek, European style wet room?
But is a wet room safe? Is it just a no-thresholds bathroom without the PR problem? Is it really all in the perception? If so, would you ever sell it another way?
We tackled these questions and more in a lively #KBTribeChat. We also got some help to answer a question regarding preventing a trench drain clog (find the answer and ask us your design questions). Find the transcript for the entire hour here.
At we are working to change the perception that Universal Design or design without barriers is somehow reserved for the aged or the disabled. If UD is in fact suffering from a PR problem, we'd like to find other ways to further the discussion. We do this by reporting design success stories that have enabled people of all ages get around better in their homes and in their communities. We hope to be a source for inspiration for your future projects by sharing our own, like the two wet rooms from AFriendlyHouse founder Lynette Evans' farmhouse, master bath, pictured above, and guest bath, pictured below, that serve as inspiration for our #KBTribeChat follow-up.
If you joined us for #KBTribeChat, we thank you! We'd like to continue the conversation on Pinterest! Follow and pin to our Wet Rooms board. You can also find us on Google+ and Facebook.