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Aging in Place
Posted: 05/05/2013
By: Monika Weiss
Most adults when asked will say that they would like to stay in their homes as they age. Aging in Place addresses this desire by promoting ways to remain at home safely, through such things as supportive design, assistive technology and community services. If you are looking for ways to age safely at home, check out these stories:
Improving on good design for Aging in Place
Do designers have a responsibility to educated their clients on safe design? The good news is, spaces designed for safe Aging in Place don't have to look as though they've been medically modified. They can--and should--be beautiful as well. But how do you sell something that's invisible? Via Pinterest, we look at good some designs and see how we can improve on them to safely, and beautifully, age in place.
Age-ready design 
You may not notice anything more than attractive interiors but see how barrier-free entries complemented by easy transitions with inlaid carpet and widened hallways make this Seattle-area home somewhere to safely age in place.
Easy living on the farm 
Couple remodels farmhouse to create more age-friendly transitions to move smoothly from room to room. Increased ambient and task lighting improve usability of kitchen. Barrier-free guest and main baths make it a visitable home for all.
Aging in (some other) place 
What separates many people from wanting to stay in their home as they age and actually doing so is often the home itself. Designer Barbara Beckmann faced this question with her husband Jon, when deciding to leave a beautiful home in Sonoma, right, that no longer supported their needs.